Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Why is a Guru in physical form necessary? ஒரு குரு பரு உடலுடன் இருப்பது அவசியமா?


lf you worship the Guru as both light and divine vibration, you will receive an abundance of divine power/energy. But to express your mental stresses and to reveal your inner turmoil, a Guru in form is needed. You are all great in knowledge and are profound thinkers. So if you place the Guru as your essence in the pinnacle of your thoughts, that faith and trust you place in the Guru will be the very force that protects you. 

It is only upon seeing the Guru through this physical body that your faith is awakened. When you leave the sanctuary or ashram, your belief diminishes. For such individuals, things take time to unfold and success is delayed.

In reality, things will unfold much better, faster, and more beneficially than you ever imagined, by just constantly thinking of that divine vibration at your third eye and crown chakras (wherein you got initiated by the Guru). Then you will transform into one who has received the divine grace and unite with the Divine.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
