Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Satyameva Jayate! வாய்மையே வெல்லும்!


Great sages have emerged from India, and while many things may change, the essence of the rishis remains with us. Numerous nations honor our Sanatana Dharma, which embodies eternal values that are steadfast and cannot be erased. This ancient wisdom teaches us the importance of truthfulness, a principle that remains relevant even today. Regardless of the ages that pass, Dharma remains constant. It is our duty to uphold and live by these values. There is a distinction between dhaanam and dharmam; dhaanam often seeks something in return, while dharmam is about the pure joy of giving without expectation. By living a Dharmic life, we surrender the outcomes of our actions—both good and bad—to the divine. We are souls beyond the labels of saintly or sinful actions, having transcended the cycle of birth and death.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
