Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Who Are We? Are We Just This Body or the Divine Within? நாம் யார்? இந்த உடலா அல்லது ஆன்மாவா?


Gurumahan blesses that You will attain whatever you wish for. Everything that has occurred so far remains in your experience. Since you consider everything that has happened as good, everything that happens to you from now on will be good as well. 

You are not an ordinary person. You have forgotten the power within you. You thought you were just the body. Seeing the changes in the body, you became concerned, thinking that you too are changing. You considered yourself as merely mental power, as intellectual strength. Yet, are you not the supreme power, the very source of creation itself? Trust in yourself.

All change happens through you. Personal transformation is crucial because through your change, the entire world transforms. You and the world are not separate; you are the world. Realise that You are the soul, and within you, that soul manifests as love, wisdom, power, bliss, beauty, peace, and truth, in its divine essence. You will realize that you are the soul endowed with these divine qualities.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
