Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Guru Geethai : What is the Object to focus when we meditate? | குரு கீதை: எதை தியானிப்பது?


Lord Siva (parameshwaran) discusses with Goddess Parvati on the object of meditation. What should be the object of meditation, as we all know that meditation is nothing but contemplating one thought. To which lord siva answers: one should meditate and worship the Guru who is the Great Parabrahmam (universe/GOD). Therefore, by worshipping the Great Guru, one can attain everything that is there in the world. Then lord siva continues saying : Oh Goddess Parvati, therefore this knowledge should reach to whoever is interested in attaining this state ( the state of Supreme conciousness) of truth and never share this knowledge to those who don't believe in it. So, share this knowledge to whoever wants to know about themselves, interested in attaining the Supreme state  and those who wishes to know the truth.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
