Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Why do we need guru? வாழ்வில் நமக்கு ஏன் ஒரு குரு வேண்டும்?


Just as a guide is crucial for climbing a mountain, a Guru is essential for attaining divinity or spiritual enlightenment. Instead of merely worshipping Shiva, if one reveres the Guru who guides us to Him, they can transform themselves into that very essence of Shiva.

This is the Advaita philosophy, wherein the individual embodies the essence of Shiva, as they understand that there is no distinction between themselves and the divine.

Just as a person who practices farming is called a farmer; a person who learns about engineering is called an engineer; and a person who studies medicine is called a doctor; a person who studies the external world is called a scientist.

On the other hand, one who learns about the inner self or the essence of being is called a Mei Gnani or Atma Gnani or Brahma Gnani in Tamil, which translates to a true knowledge seeker or a spiritual seeker.

May you all become one with the ultimate reality, receiving the grace of the almighty, the Paranjodhi.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
