Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Guru bhakthi paves way for Self-realization! முக்தி அடைய குருபக்தி செலுத்துக!


Transcending the mind and delving deeper into our Self represents the highest form of worship. In both idol worship and meditation, devotion serves as the unifying element. Without genuine devotion, one cannot attain salvation or wisdom. The reverence for idols is experienced as devotion to inner light in formless worship where God is experienced as light (Paranjothi).  Through meditation, devotion is experienced through a connection to the inner divine essence (Mei Unarvu). Ultimately, devotion to our true self is the most profound form of worship, known as Kadavul (God) bhakti.
Kadavul bhakti transforms into Guru bhakti, as the Guru and God are one and the same. The manner in which we dedicate ourselves to God should mirror our faith in the Guru, as this devotion elevates our spiritual journey. Such faith in the Guru, combined with a consistent meditation practice, leads to a sublime state of being.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
