Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Importance of Arudhra darshan- the view of the Divine அருத்ரா தரிசனம் – அதன் முக்கியத்துவம்


In Vaishnavism, “Divine Vision” (Iraiyin Dharisanam) refers to the spiritual experience of perceiving the divine presence. This is particularly significant on a special day known as Vaikunta Ekadashi. Ekadashi falls on the 11th day of a 21-day worship period, and on this day, we focus on the 11th Dhvaaram (gate) called Turiyam (crown chakra) during meditation. By staying in Turiyam, one reaches the state of Turiyadheenam (above the top of the head) and attains the state of Supreme Reality (paramporul) or the universal consciousness that exists beyond this physical world. 

In Shaivism, during the 10-day worship period, if one experiences the dharshan (glimpse) of Shiva that manifested on the Thiruvadhirai star, they can receive His blessings and benefits. Same way, in Vaishnavism, Vishnu manifested on the Thiruvonam star. 

Guru Mahan delivers this satsang on the day of Thiruvadhirai. He explains how Thiruvadhirai is celebrated in Shaiva temples in a grand manner. 

This festival is celebrated, especially in Thiruvarur (Aaroor) and Chidambaram (Chitrambalam). Thiruvarur represents the Earth element (mann thathuvam) in the five-element philosophy (pancha bootha thathuvam). Everyone born here is considered divine and noble. Same way Chidambaram represents the Air element (aagaya thathuvam). Just living here can lead to liberation. The temples here are built based on the philosophies of both the earth and the sky.

The purpose is to observe a fast for nine days leading up to today(Aarudhra), with the ultimate aim of fully attaining the divine state. This refers to the divine resolve — the determination to attain divine wisdom. If the resolve is pure, undoubtedly, what is sought will be achieved many times over, in a much better form. This worship is done for all 10 days. 

Similarly, on Vaikunta Ekadashi, by closing the 10 gates (dhvaaram) and focusing on the 11th gate that is the crown chakra, one has to meditate on the divine presence of the Lord residing there. On this day, the methods to attain the state of Brahmam through the 11th gate were followed, leading to the realization of the divine.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
