Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Thirumandiram 2119: What should be worshipped? | எதனை வழிபடவேண்டும்?


சிவனை வழிபட்டார் எண்ணிலாத் தேவர்
அவனை வழிபட்டங்கு ஆமாறுஒன் றில்லை
அவனை வழிபட்டங்கு ஆமாறு காட்டும்
குருவை வழிபடின் கூடலும் ஆமே

திருமந்திரம் > ஏழாம் தந்திரம் > 38. இதோபதேசம் > பாடல்: 2119

There are 2 types of worshipping : outer worshipping and inner worshipping. What should be worshipped? Whatever is above everything and greater than everything should be worshipped. Therefore the paramporul (the greatest matter), meiporul ( the true matter) should be worshipped. Further, there are kinds of worships like physical worship - idol worship, mental worship- like name worship, intellectual worship- vibration worship. Therefore, sivam - this paramporul is in 3 states; physical state, formless form state, formless state. For example, Mango fruit has physical structure, odor  and taste. The physical structure of the mango can be iterated as the physical state of the paramporul,it's odor as the formless form state and it's taste as the formless state as we can only experience it. This concept is used to explain the 3 states of all things in the universe : sthoola state (physical state), sookuma state (formless form state or hidden state) and the Karana state(formless state or the state of purpose) .

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
