Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Thirumandiram 603: What happens when you meditate on the crown chakra or Sahasraram?|இறை என்ற அமிர்தத்தை சஹஸ்ர தளத்தில் அனுபவிக்கலாம்!


*What happens when you meditate  on the crown chakra or Sahasraram* 
When one practices meditation for many years, but they fail to recognize the nectar within, many lifetimes will pass before they can discover it. Without understanding the cause and the purpose, even if one does spiritual practices for thousands of years, there will be no result. God, the nectar, can be seen within oneself as light, much like an image delicately residing inside glass.
The person who perceives God, the ultimate truth, will witness the divine vision within themselves, when they observe their breath with focused attention. They can then witness the paranjodhi within themselves as the divine light. By using the Jnana Jothi (the light of knowledge) in the third eye, one can witness the Arul Jothi (the light of grace) in the crown, which is the Atma Jothi (the light of the soul), the Paranjothi - the supreme light. When one meditates on this Paranjothi, they become one with it. Let us all become one with the Supreme Paranjothi.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
