Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Significance of worshipping Lord Muruga during Karthigai Deepam | முருகப் பெருமானை கார்த்திகை தீபத் திருநாளில் வழிபடுவதன் தத்துவம் என்ன?


In the divine light of a diya, all the auspicious and positive energies are present. The diya represents the body, the oil symbolizes Kundalini Jeeva Neer (Kundalini Shakthi), and the thread stands for the spinal cord. The Kundalini Shakthi (alias Jeeva Neer) moves through the spine and gains self-luminescence. To ignite a lamp, a matchstick is required. Similarly, to illuminate our inner light, we need a Guru.
The inner illumination exists between Idagala and Pingala (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nerves). It is called Suyam Prakaasam (Self-awareness) and can be sensed at the Third Eye Chakra. The energy moves through the chakras below (Third Eye, Vishudhi Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Mooladhara) as six distinct lights. These levels of consciousness are referred to as Aarumugam (Six faces). 
From the Third Eye, six lights emerged, forming six chakras. In the sky, there exist six stars (karthigai nakshatra). The identical stars are experienced at Third Eye. Shakthi (Goddess Parvati) merged these six divine lights into one, and He is none other than Muruga Perumaan (Lord Murugar). 
Murugu signifies azhagu, brightness. From Turiya (Shivam), Muruga appeared at the Third Eye with six lovely faces. They are the six chakras, ranging from Agnya to Mooladharam. Lord Muruga possesses six abodes and his two consorts are Valli and Deivayanai. Valli signifies Ida Nadi (left energy channel) and Deivayanai signifies the Pingala Nadi (right energy channel). Muruga (Vel) signifies the Sushumna Nadi, the central energy channel that rises through the chakras, guiding Kundalini energy towards Turiya. Muruga's mount is a peacock, representing our mind, and he journeyed across the entire Universe on it. We can explore the whole universe through our mind via the third eye chakra. The third eye is the origin of Murugar's divine emergence. He is Karthigai Oli. Let us reflect on this illumination.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
