Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

What is the role of a Guru in ones life? ஓரு உயிரின் வாழ்வில் குருவின் பங்கு என்ன?


Human birth is brought about by a father and a mother. A human life attains its Supreme state with the help of a Guru. 
To realise and fulfil the purpose of one’s birth and to free from the cycle of samsara (birth, death and rebirth), a Guru is needed. A Guru’s grace plays a vital role for a life to realise its own true self and attain higher levels of consciousness. Let us bow to the Supreme Guru of all beings. 
We experience the outside world through our five senses. Whereas we experience the Divine within us internally as energy. To transcend the senses and to receive the blessings of the omnipresent God, we need to concentrate on the internal energy in our third eye, the centre of eyebrows. The energy that flows here is called Kundalini sakthi through which we encounter God. One can follow these spiritual practices after he/she receives initiation from a Guru.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
