Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

To become wise, what should you embrace and what should you let go? அறிந்தறிந்து விடுவதும் அறிந்தறிந்து கொள்வதும் ஞானம்!


Every atom contains energy, which can be referred to as divine energy, supreme energy, or Kundalini Maha Shakti. This energy exists in various forms: as physical matter, as light, and as formless essence. We should meditate on this truth and seek to understand it through inquiry.

Wisdom involves letting go of what is unnecessary, embracing what is essential, engaging in contemplation and understanding, and pursuing inquiry and realization. Wisdom is a divine resonance that contributes to the growth of the soul. This growth is reflected in divine vibrations, which in turn expand our intellect. Such understanding ultimately leads to liberation.

In this lifetime, we can fulfill our desires and responsibilities while realizing our true selves, expanding our potential, and applying it in a righteous manner to lead a joyful life. This is the purpose of our existence. Let us align our potential with higher intelligence. Dear disciples, strive for self-realization and perform your duties with full awareness. May you be granted the physical strength, mental clarity, and resources needed to achieve this, and may you be blessed with self-realization.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
