Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

A Guru finds you when you are ready! ஒரு குரு உன்னை கண்டறிகிறார், நீ தயாராக இருந்தால்!


You sought a Guru with the desire to understand the truth, to discover the truth within yourself and achieve a state of bliss. This represents the deep yearning for spiritual fulfillment. Although there may be external worship of deities, the deep yearning for self-realization draws a Guru into one’s life.
A Guru, through his kindness and grace, grants initiation to followers to discover God within themselves. In the contemporary world, numerous individuals, despite having undergone Kundalini meditation initiation, fail to comprehend the significance and truth of this initiation and remain lethargic. Understanding one's true state through self-inquiry is Jnanam (Eternal wisdom). Jnanam frees a person from the perpetual cycle of birth and death, granting immortality. Gurumahaan, out of love, urges all to maintain virtue, discipline, and live a self-governed life. Regardless of how unhappy we have been previously, now is the time to take action to live a just life.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
