Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Natural calamity is a wakeup call for humanity! இயற்கையின் சீற்றம்! வேண்டும் மனிதனின் மாற்றம்!


Brahmins are known to be virtuous. One doesn't become a brahmin by birth, but by virtue of his action. One who is pure & loving in his thought/intention towards all living beings, one who speaks up for welfare of all beings, one who does selfless action for greater good of people is a brahmin. Thoughts, words, actions define a person. Those who are initiated into Kundalini meditation, on consistent practice, become pure in their thoughts, words & deeds. They live a righteous & divine life and uplift the lives of others.
The recurrent natural calamities are a wake-up call for human beings to live on the path of Dharma. The divine truth within us, has infinite potential for a positive transformation of the world. Let us contemplate on the divine truth, meditate upon it, realise the ONENESS beyond all dualities!

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
