Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

How to raise children into high intellectuals & geniuses?


In the early hours of morning and evening, when a person dutifully meditates upon Atman, he/she can become a supreme Yogi - the knower of All - with a razor sharp intellect. By developing a high intellect, the Yogi can guide his entire community and nation.

Turning the mind inwards far away from external objects through Dhyana (meditation), one always receives the Divine power. One should develop strong dispassion (Vairaghya) to never slip from Dhyana sadhana. Just like we remember every topic of a subject before appearing for an exam, a Yogi must live by his sadhana at all times.

This truth is taught early on to children to pray for their wellness and studies, harmony of parents, relatives and entire world.

Such a child goes on to become a Yogi by living selflessly for others through prayer and meditation. The qualities of a true Yogi are generosity, compassion, patience, forgiveness. A person who prays only for his wellness lives a small life, but a Yogi finds joy in giving to others thus living a true and complete life, opening the gates of Universe's blessings!

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
