Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

How to become free from Karma?


When there is harmony in our world, the countries become harmonious which in turn leads to harmony of families and finally harmony within each person. Our individual responsibility is to meditate and find our inner peace. We then become, family peace keepers, country peace keepers and world peace keepers. We utilize every moment fruitfully to realise we are the Divine Light. This is the 'Golden Era of the Divine Light' - a raise in collective consciousness.

'Supreme Light Tatvam' hidden meaning is 'Tattvam Asi' - 'That you are!'

'Supreme Light Thavam' - We meditate upon the Divine Light to realise oneness

'Supreme Light Gnanam' - Through meditation, we attain wisdom which liberates us from the great samsaric/karmic cycle of birth and death.

One who truly lives by these principles attains Nirvana.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
