Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

Universe manifested from a single thought | பிரபஞ்சம் தோன்றியது ஒரு எண்ணத்தால்!

September 11, 2024 Santhosam

Today's science quotes that the origin of Universe is through it's very own thought. If a seed germinates into a plant, it's very own thought drives the germination process. Likewise the thought of a single cell, drives it to be an embryo and later grows into a healthy being.

The thought of Universe determined its origin. Since we are a manifestation of Universe, our thoughts also drive the quality of our lives. Good and bad thoughts are the same in the eyes of Universe. We attract things, situations and people based on the frequency of our thoughts. If our thoughts are of low quality, we attract similar circumstances and when our thoughts are pure, we receive immense blessings.

Gurumahaan insists to focus on following Dharmic ways of living rather than opposing Adharmic people. If more people become righteous, adharma is sure to leave this world. Arise! Awake! Let the world be ruled by Peace, love and righteousness.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
