Santhosam Podcast: Guiding Light of Spiritual Wisdom

What does Samadhi mean? | சமாதி நிலைகள்

September 07, 2024 Santhosam

Gurumahan teaches  about Samadhi. He explains that in State of Samadhi, all the circulation in the body functions well. Like in sleep. 
He explains about 

  1. Vikalpa Samadhi - Knowing the I and 'THAT' is different and merge with THAT
  2. Pragnana Samadhi -  fully conscious but one cannot speak
  3. Asampragnana Samadhi-  Fully merged with conscious, though all senses are active, one cannot use them. 
  4. Savikalpa Samadhi - One realises that they are experiencing Thier self as pure consciousness
  5. Nir-vikalpa Samadhi - Final stage, Beyond worldly functions, beyond the body, beyond the mind, one exist in the thought "I am That". When one is conscious in this state for 3 days, they merge completely with primordial and do not come back to the body. 
  6. Jeevan Samadhi - in this one leaves body at thier will. 

Gurumahan explains that all the above types of Samadhi is practically possible by anyone who realises the Truth or Meiporul.

Let Wisdom Flourish!
Let Peace Prevail!
Let us protect Mother earth!
Let us protect the Universe!
